Ahhh, it’s great when people can connect so easily in this day and age – with no cost other than an internet connection. I must give thanks to Skype for enabling me to speak with distant friends for as long as I want, for free! I can keep distant friends close friends from Australia to Norway, from Thailand to Scotland. Thanks Skype 😀
This evening, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with Eline in Norway and discussing “connected consciousness” ideas, truly refreshing! She had some very interesting ideas to present and for that I am truly grateful.
You Eline, are right when you say that a long time ago, some visionaries, gurus, prophets, mystic, enlightened ones (I could go on!) were very forward thinking and few and far between, but with the passage of time, and the more consciously connected the entire human race has become, the more those ideas spread throughout the collective consciousness.
I believe those conscious ideas ripple like waves throughout the human consciousness – in one sense pushing the boundaries of the collective consciousness and also reflecting back to ripple out across the rest.
Raindrops – Each illuminating raindrop falls from above but ripples outwards. After after the moment of inception, and reflection, a conscious bubble lifts up, free from the puddle and is at one with itself, a truly spherical droplet, it reflects until ready to return to the bigger puddle.
Sometimes, the returning droplet inspires another droplet to break free and repeat a similar process, but not quite as high as the first.. maybe a third, before the water ripples out. Little raindrops of inspiration from above on this beautiful blue marble we know as Mother Earth.
✰ ☆ ★ e x p a n d i n g ★ ☆ ✰
The probability we will have more mystical moments, synchronous signs, conscious coincidences and sparks of spiritual enlightenment, are much higher in this moment now, than ever before…
What a fantastic time to be alive! I’m truly inspired!